Short trekking at Maggiore Island

Short trekking at Maggiore Island

Maggiore Island: The pearl of Trasimeno Lake and land of fishermen and art

Isola Maggiore is the pearl of Trasimeno Lake, a small treasure chest that hides some of the most beautiful views and works of art of the lake area.
Originally a place of fishermen, the wealth drawn from fishing has shaped the village leaving ancient and evocative remains, from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and later eras.

The trail is very short – approx. 2.2 km i.e. around 1.3 miles – and of low difficulty. Along the way there are many remarkable places worth visiting.

Dislivello180.45 FT
Lunghezza1.37 MILES
Tempo di percorrenzaAPPROX. HALF AN HOUR