Church of Repentance / Chapel of Santa Margherita

Church of Repentance / Chapel of Santa Margherita


The chapel dedicated to Santa Margherita da Cortona is located on the border between Pozzuolo and Petrignano. Its construction dates back to 1757, commissioned by the Perugian nobleman Francesco Franceschini to commemorate the place where the Saint, accompanied by her dog, found the corpse of her beloved Arsenio. Next to the building was a centuries-old oak tree called ‘del Pentimento’ (of Repentance) – which fell because of bad weather in 2018 – that witnessed Margaret’s profound mystical crisis.

The main facade of the church has an entrance portal surmounted by a lunette and a niche with a sacred representation. The internal structure is a single room with a rectangular plan with two small doors on the sides of the old altar that lead into the sacristy. On the back wall there is the original masonry altar made up of shelves with volutes and overlying frames in worked stucco. Two canvases depict Santa Margherita and the Madonna on the throne.

Loc. I Giorgi
Laviano / Pozzuolo

Castiglione del Lago