Church of Santa Maria della Piana / Church of the Madonna of the Rose

Church of Santa Maria della Piana / Church of the Madonna of the Rose


The hamlet of Piana was the ancient Silva Plana del Chiugi, the large wood that in the Middle Ages extended north of the Perugian territory, marking the border with that of Cortona.

The Church of Santa Maria was the first parish church in the town, built in 1603. With its 50 square meters, it was soon considered too small by the population of Piana, who replaced it in 1720 with a second church dedicated to the Virgin of the Rose. In 1868 it was then demolished and the current one with a Greek cross was built on the same site. A majolica depicting the Madonna della Rosa was placed on the façade in 1960. Inside, the two-tone (black and white) checkerboard marble flooring has a strong impact. Outside, the dome ends with a lantern in the form of a cusp-shaped skylight. The bell tower, with a square base, has a height of almost 22 meters.

Via della Libertà, 98
Loc. Piana
Castiglione del Lago