Church of the Madonna della Sanità (of the Health)

Church of the Madonna della Sanità (of the Health)


Located along the ancient route of the Via Romea-Germanica, the small church of the Madonna della Sanità (now privately owned) has a single nave with a square apse with a cross vault.
Under the front porch, there is a particularly valuable travertine bas-relief, datable to the Lombard period, considered one of the oldest pieces still present in Città della Pieve, depicting the Virgin sitting with the Child in her arms between two kneeling Angels, beyond under a garland supported by two columns with Corinthian capitals.

Inside, the only altar houses an image of the Madonna of the Health of the Sick, probably obtained from the wall of an aedicule, here decorated with necklaces and ex-votos, framed by an interesting decoration with vegetable scrolls performed in stucco.

Vocabolo Madonna della Sanità, SR142
Città della Pieve