Marzolana Hill

Marzolana Hill

Nature Trekking

Marzolana Hill is located on the border of the municipality of Magione but is also part of the municipalities of Perugia and Panicale.

Thanks to its 586 meters above sea level, it is one of the major reliefs of the coast of Lake Trasimeno. Besides its being suggestive because of the environment and the landscape, its history is interesting: oral sources inform of the findings of large travertine ashlars of probable Etruscan-Roman age on the top of the mountain. These sources seem to be supported by the fact that in the church of S. Maria d’Ancaelle a large travertine architectural element was reused as well as the terminal part of an Etruscan funerary stone. It is not possible to trace the characteristics of the ancient buildings on the hill but a settlement at least in Roman times is ascertained and the same toponym of the hill could derive from the Latin name Marcilius.
