Discover / trekking

History, nature and culture on the Polvese Island

Guided tour to discover the territory of Polvese Island
between history, nature and culture for visitors, families and groups.

An itinerary to appreciate the history and nature of the island by visiting the Medieval Castle, built to defend the ancient village, the small Church of San Giuliano with frescoes from the 15th century Umbrian school, the Holm Oak Wood of San Leonardo with its imposing trees.
By visiting the island at different times of the year it will be possible to enjoy the area when seasonal changes are accompanied by rhythms, colors, echoes and resonances of water, earth, air and fire.

Castle, Church of San Giuliano, Holm Oak Wood of San Leonardo, remains of the Church of Santa Maria della Cerqua.
Departure from the Visitor Center of Isola Polvese.

Duration: 1 h

Full: € 5
Reduced (6-14 years and disabled people) € 3
Free for children up to 6 years

Booking required:
Whatsapp message to +39 3478489578

Trasimeno Slow Experience – Nature Experience

We are a team of local professionals striving to involve visitors into our daily lives, activities and research, unlocking the soul of this unique territory by quietly walking through the woods, hills and meadows, sailing across the lake’s waters to discover its many secrets and allures.

Come with us and fully experience Lake Trasimeno’s wonders!

Our project Trasimeno Slow Experience guides visitors to the heart of Lake Trasimeno, its history, natural beauties and traditions, far from the beaten track and the touristy crowds, accompanied by locals and experts who know and love the area deeply.

Our programs and activities are also conceived for those who visit the area often but wish to have a unique experience, for a day or a few hours, on a boat – to rediscover and fully enjoy the watery scenes of the lake and its islands -, on horseback or in a carriage for special itineraries into the tiny medieval villages, with a slow-pace walk accompanied by local donkeys or simply hiking through the woods and hills surrounding the lake.

The ultimate experience to fully live and peacefully experience our gorgeous Lake Trasimeno!

Urban Trekking in Panicale

Defined as the most beautiful natural terrace on Lake Trasimeno, Panicale offers many naturalistic beauties and historical-monumental testimonies. It still preserves the typical structure of a medieval castle, with its three squares incorporated in a circle of concentric ellipses.

With the guided urban trekking, you can visit the main monuments of Panicale!

The visit includes:

  • the Oratory of San Sebastiano with the famous painting by Perugino ‘The martyrdom of San Sebastiano‘ and the fresco attributed to Raffaello ‘The Madonna with Musician Angels‘;
  • the Caporali Theatre, one of the smallest in Italy, with its 154 seats and intently made of wood decorated with gilded stucco and festoons;
  • the Museum of Embroidery on tulle, with many embroidered artifacts, typical examples of ‘Ars panicalensis‘;
  • the church and museum of the Madonna della Sbarra, located outside the castle walls in the place where the Toll Custom House once stood.

Urban trekking in Città della Pieve

Medieval town with an atmosphere of other times, full of charm and extraordinary beauty, Città della Pieve is a concentrate of historical, artistic and monumental heritages. It is also the homeland of Raffaello’s master, Pietro Vannucci known as “Il Perugino”, one of the most important painters of the Italian Renaissance.

With the guided urban trekking, you can visit the main monuments of Città della Pieve.

The visit includes:

  • the Oratory of Santa Maria dei Bianchi with the fresco depicting the Adoration of the Magi by Perugino;
  • the Diocesan Civic Museum of Santa Maria dei Servi with the fresco by Perugino depicting the Deposition of the cross;
  • the mannerist frescoes of Corgna Palace, the most important of the stately homes in Città della Pieve.

At the source of the Nestore River – Short trek

We start from the Panelios Holiday House near which we can leave the cars We cross the Pievaiola state road and we take the private carriage road that starts from an open space in the shade of some centuries-old oaks. We then go down to the Nestorello River and follow the course of the stream, reaching the Nestore River sources. We arrive at the church of the Crucifix and from here to the historic center of Monteleone

Length: 7.5 km

Duration: 3 hours including stops + further visits

Absolute height difference: 200 m ascent, 200 descent.

Difficulty: E = hiking level

Standard equipment clothing

Trekking Madonna di Canale – Poggio al Piano

From the Church of Madonna di Canale, we follow the dirt road that climbs towards S. Biagio, crossing fields, a ditch and a beautiful wooded path. Once past the rural parish church, on fine days we can admire a view of Trasimeno Lake and the North North East side of the area, then we descend towards ‘i Tre Molini” next to the pastures to go up to Poggio al Piano where the ring closes.

Length: 7.5 km

Duration: 3 hours including stops

Absolute difference in height: about 220 m

Difficulty: E = hiking

Standard equipment clothing

Trekking Molinella Ditch

The path starts from the first roundabout in Città della Pieve coming from Chiusi near the Carabinieri barracks. We go down to San Salvatico We then go down to the Molinella ditch. Then we skirt the ditch at the height of the valley floor in a humid environment. Finally, to go up again, we continue towards the localities of Felceto, Fontesecca and Mandoleto along a white carriage road that connects to the state road and returns to the starting point.

Length: 7 km

Duration: 3.5 hours

Absolute difference in height: about 250 m

Difficulty: E = hiking

Standard equipment clothing

Long trekking – At the source of the River Nestore

We start from the Panelios Holiday House near which we can leave the cars We cross the Pievaiola state road and we take the private carriage road that starts from an open space in the shade of some centuries-old oaks. We then go down to the Nestorello River and follow the course of the stream, reaching the Nestore River sources. We arrive at the church of the Crucifix and from here to the historic center of Monteleone, where we will go to see – in the church of SS. Apostles Peter and Paul – the Altarpiece of the Perugino school.

Length: 9.7 km.

Duration: 5.30 hours including stops and visits

Absolute height difference: 206 m ascent, 207 descent

Difficulty: EE = expert hikers

Standard equipment clothing

Trekking Città della Pieve: from the memorial stone of the Blessed Giacomo Villa to Salci

Departure from the Cardete area at the memorial stone of the Blessed Giacomo Villa, then we continue to the ‘Fabbrica del Callone’ (an hydraulic engineering building as a water regulator) and, along the valley floor next to the railway, to Ponticelli. From here, we arrive at the intersection with the Cavacchione road (Via Romea) and turn right into an underpass. From here, the path, well marked, continues up to Salci; otherwise we can take the first overpass on the left and pass in front of the Etruscan tomb and then resume the direction of Salci.

Length: about 15 km

Duration: 5 hours including stops

Absolute height difference: not significant, about 80 m

Difficulty: T = Tourist

Standard clothing